Anti-Imperialism and the Politics of Language

“Much like with the breaking of looms, the breaking of a language becomes a necessity so as to better exploit an imperialised nation, whether that be by complete linguistic extinction or by marginalising a previously dominant language. There are three primary ways in which language presents an obstacle to imperialism.”

An Argument for Socialist-Republicanism

“In Ireland, one cannot have socialism without republicanism. The socialist-republican cause is both the cause of labour and the cause of country. The liberation of the working people of this Island can only be achieved through anti-imperialism and active class struggle. But first we must analyse what is to be done, understand the flaws in non-republican socialism and pseudo-republicanism.”

Reasonably Revolting: The “Socialism” of Jacobin

Jacobin is not a socialist paper. It exists because the US capitalist media allows it. Their ideology is characterised by their inability to see beyond electoral politics even in the face of persistent failure, and their role as a mouthpiece of US imperialism. Despite their aesthetic, the “Brooklyn Socialism” of Jacobin amounts to little more than the same meek demands of democratic socialism, but in radical dress.

Conspiracies vs Class Consciousness

Americanisation has taken root and Ireland requires an intellectual revolution, rooted in Gaelic culture, Republicanism, and anti-imperialism. So that, someday, some people of Ireland will not stage protests outside the GPO against the Bill Gates-George Soros conspiracy, but instead engage with the concrete political and economic issues we face.

Native Americans Call For The End of British Occupation in Ireland – Statement

The following is a statement of solidarity from “The Red Nation”, Easter weekend 2019   Greetings relatives and comrades gathered in Ireland this weekend, The Red Nation sends our solidarity and revolutionary salutes to our relatives and comrades in the Irish Liberation Movement(s) as a whole. We join all of you in honoring and remembering … Read more

Venezuela – A Very Irish Coup

When it comes to Venezuela, it can often seem a distant issue to many working Irish people, even to those of more republican persuasions, but actually what we’re seeing around the world is what we’re seeing today at home. From foreign nations undermining our democracy, organisations meddling in our island’s funds or resources, to media … Read more

The Empire of Gender

For most, it’s rare that modern discussions of gender extend beyond screenshotted tumblr posts and miseducated arguments over gender, sex and their differences – but debating human identities is far from anything new. Like all western social norms, ‘gender’ stems from economic relationships with land, wealth and privilege. Your favourite youtuber may have helped remind … Read more

International Communist Youth Movements Call For Action For Palestine

Joint Call of Communist Youth Organizations for the Day of common Action and of Solidarity towards the Palestinian People We denounce to the young people, to the peoples of the entire world, the ongoing crime of US-NATO-Israel against the Palestinian people. The US decision to declare Jerusalem as “the capital of Israel” and to relocate … Read more