Technological advancement under capitalism is being hamstrung by imperialist monopoly

Last month, the US House of Representatives introduced the Semiconductor Technology Advancement and Research (STAR) Act, 2024. The legislation represents the latest attempt by US officials to rescue their chip manufacturing industry and compete with China. The act introduces a 25% tax relief for companies engaging in chip design in the US.  The chip manufacturing … Read more

Calls for national mobilisation in Britain

British General Patrick Sanders in full dress uniform

This week, General Patrick Sanders – current Chief of General Staff of the British Army – said that Britain must begin to prepare for an “all-out war with Russia”. Sanders – who previously oversaw operations in the north of Ireland – said that British civilians must mentally prepare themselves for war with Russia, and praised … Read more

Anti-Imperialism and the Politics of Language

“Much like with the breaking of looms, the breaking of a language becomes a necessity so as to better exploit an imperialised nation, whether that be by complete linguistic extinction or by marginalising a previously dominant language. There are three primary ways in which language presents an obstacle to imperialism.”

Imperialism Is On Your Plate

When the word imperialism is evoked, it seems strange to equivocate the term with a contemporary form of food production and this is what makes modern imperialism so effective. That is its ability to remain invisible or to go undetected. For the modern superpowers, and in the era of Pax Americana, this is largely how they operate, by using less direct methods in order to advance their nation’s particular geopolitical interests and to disguise these actions by using modern political or economic jargon such as “development”, “liberalisation” or “investment”.

My Experience in Greece: A Case Study Against European Imperialism

I began to witness the true extent of human suffering caused by the EUs crushing austerity. Men and women with crippled limbs prostrated out with open palms begging for money. Desperate men selling pens and stationery on the train in a bid to make ends meet in a country without work. Pampered British expats corralled in Syntagma square while people counted coins to buy loaves of bread a couple of streets away.

The Front Line in the Battle for Class Unity in Northern Ireland

Housing has often been the arena in which class consciousness and militant action has been instilled in the hearts and minds of the Irish youth. This struggle is ever present in the North. Segregation of housing in urban centres of Derry and Belfast remains an obstacle to social cohesion and the unity of class action … Read more

Those in Britain Supporting Ireland’s 32 County Socialist Republic

Below is an excerpt from the speech given by a CYM delegate at the Youth Communist League’s 49th Congress in Croyden, London, 2018. Go raibh maith agaibh, mo chomrádaí. A spectre is haunting Europe – the spectre of Brexit, and let it! Think tanks in a frenzy, bourgeoisie ordering Irish passports, Murdoch press defeated in … Read more