The last thing we should do

On 4 July, an article was published in Socialist Voice arguing that Irish communists should unconditionally support Sinn Féin with no red lines. It even goes as far as to state explictly that “if they utter a coalition with FF, let that not dissuade us from voting them. If they fail to denounce the EU, … Read more

Vote Left, Transfer Left?

On May Day, People Before Profit released a statement encouraging people to adopt the slogan of “Vote Left, Transfer Left”, as used in the 2020 general election. In 2020 this saw voters transferring between Sinn Féin, the Green Party, People Before Profit, Social Democrats, and independents. However, given that the Green Party subsequently went into … Read more

Sinn Féin’s Soft Touch

There appears to be a common theme among ‘leftwing’ parties who enter into mainstream politics; a soft approach which tends to leave its grass roots members disillusioned as the party will continue to pander to an entirely different demographic than the ones it once represented. Blatant ignorance or maybe the refusal to accept a bad … Read more