Remember the Fenians

The best way to remember the Fenians – and every other republican – is to make their ambitions a reality. Fight against the apathy that is so prevalent; agitate for a better future. Educate people on what the cause of societies problems are and what can be done about them. Organise in your workplace, in your community, and in your college to make the Republican ideal a reality.

Anti-Imperialism and the Politics of Language

“Much like with the breaking of looms, the breaking of a language becomes a necessity so as to better exploit an imperialised nation, whether that be by complete linguistic extinction or by marginalising a previously dominant language. There are three primary ways in which language presents an obstacle to imperialism.”

Imperialism Is On Your Plate

When the word imperialism is evoked, it seems strange to equivocate the term with a contemporary form of food production and this is what makes modern imperialism so effective. That is its ability to remain invisible or to go undetected. For the modern superpowers, and in the era of Pax Americana, this is largely how they operate, by using less direct methods in order to advance their nation’s particular geopolitical interests and to disguise these actions by using modern political or economic jargon such as “development”, “liberalisation” or “investment”.

The Palestinian Cause is a Cause for Every Revolutionary

Rather than being something unique and otherwordly, something beyond our comprehension due to its age and complexity, the Palestinian struggle is not exceptional. It is one of a broad tapestry of anti-imperialist and anti-colonial struggles. By insisting on their exceptional nature, they are condemned to a suspended animation: endlessly admired and supported for their resistance, but lacking the ability to draw on the successful struggles of others to inform their own. They are however, not alone, but are supported by a pantheon of peoples that understand their struggle and show solidarity out of experience.

The Abraham Accords: Imperialist Deception

The Abraham Agreement is a false idol, it has betrayed the Palestinian people who are fighting the diabolical systemic destruction of their nationhood and its words are hypocritical. It is written with the same hands that are drenched in the blood of Palestinians who have been slaughtered in imperial conquest. The agreement only serves to consolidate the imperialist economies in the region and to provide a more advantageous position for further colonisation.  

My Experience in Greece: A Case Study Against European Imperialism

I began to witness the true extent of human suffering caused by the EUs crushing austerity. Men and women with crippled limbs prostrated out with open palms begging for money. Desperate men selling pens and stationery on the train in a bid to make ends meet in a country without work. Pampered British expats corralled in Syntagma square while people counted coins to buy loaves of bread a couple of streets away.

Comments on a Failed State

As the US continues to drift towards greater political division, the latest presidential election is a perfect example of what pathological denial can produce when it is utilized by those trying to avoid awkward political issues. Now that Joe Biden has been proclaimed as the winner of the heavily contested US presidential race and with what appears to be the formation of a coup attempt by Trump, the question on everyone’s lips is now what?

The US Fuels the Extremism it Condemns

The current narrative of the dominant imperial powers seeks to pit “Western values” against Islamic extremism in a cultural struggle of civilisations – the geopolitical factors driving imperialist intervention in the Middle East and the backlash run much deeper and according to the lines of material self-interest. of the capitalist class .