My friends in Ireland will not forget me

On Sunday, 16 June the Belfast branch of the Connolly Youth Movement organised a commemorative hike to McArt’s Fort, Cavehill, to commemorate the first fathers of Irish Republicanism. The Belfast branch was joined by comrades from Lasair Dhearg as we reflected on the lessons and legacy of the first generation of Irish Republicans. The hike … Read more

Palestinians commit to resist Israeli expansion

Recently, leaders of the Palestinian resistance factions – the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), Hamas, and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) – met in Beirut to discuss ways to confront the increasing Zionist aggression against Palestine.  In an interview with Al Mayadeen, Deputy General Secretary of the PFLP said that they “must escalate … Read more

Remember the Fenians

The best way to remember the Fenians – and every other republican – is to make their ambitions a reality. Fight against the apathy that is so prevalent; agitate for a better future. Educate people on what the cause of societies problems are and what can be done about them. Organise in your workplace, in your community, and in your college to make the Republican ideal a reality.

An Argument for Socialist-Republicanism

“In Ireland, one cannot have socialism without republicanism. The socialist-republican cause is both the cause of labour and the cause of country. The liberation of the working people of this Island can only be achieved through anti-imperialism and active class struggle. But first we must analyse what is to be done, understand the flaws in non-republican socialism and pseudo-republicanism.”