The Way Forward for Youth Movements

The establishment, propped up by virtually every political party from the Green Party to the Labour Party, has created an environment that’s impossible for young people to live in. These socio-economic conditions are stifling our generation, suffocating our lives and stealing away our energies. That is why youth activists are duty bound to mobilize a … Read more

Those in Britain Supporting Ireland’s 32 County Socialist Republic

Below is an excerpt from the speech given by a CYM delegate at the Youth Communist League’s 49th Congress in Croyden, London, 2018. Go raibh maith agaibh, mo chomrádaí. A spectre is haunting Europe – the spectre of Brexit, and let it! Think tanks in a frenzy, bourgeoisie ordering Irish passports, Murdoch press defeated in … Read more

Resolution of the International Conference in Solidarity with the Syrian People and Youth

Upon the initiative of the World Federation of Democratic Youth (WFDY) and the World Peace Council (WPC), 92 representatives of members and friends of WPC and WFDY gathered in the Syrian capital Damascus for a mission of Solidarity with the Syrian people and Youth from 29-31 October 2018. The participants of the mission representing 55 … Read more

CYM Statement on Housing at Waterford

  Transcript of speech Friends, old and new! My name is Alex, I am a member of the Connolly Youth Movement. As a student of Connolly’s thoughts and writings, a very short yet perfect quote springs to mind: Governments in capitalist societies are but committees of the rich to manage the affairs of the rich.. … Read more

Is Ireland a democracy?

To the world, Ireland is portrayed as a free liberal-democratic society. A constitution guarantees rights, establishes democratic mechanisms, and ensures there is fairness, accountability and freedom. One of the cornerstones of a free and democratic society is the separation of institutions and a system of balance and checks. For example, the 1937 Irish Constitution clearly … Read more

Announcement of 21 Communist Youth Organisations that participated in the 14th Meeting of the European Communist Youth Organisations in Athens

Youth of Europe rise up Join us in the struggle for our contemporary needs in education, work and in life! Young men and women, We, 21 Communist Youth Organizations that participated in the 14th Meeting of European Communist Youth Organisations in Athens, on the 23rd and 24th September of 2018, address you in an appeal … Read more

10 Arguments Against Running in Capitalist ‘Democracies’ – Building Revolution

There is no greater lie being spread by the multitude of parties purporting themselves to be left-wing than that a vote for them is a vote for Socialism. Their demands are mostly moderate and often outright merely demands for reform. The amount of resources and human labour they are putting into electoral campaigns is astonishing … Read more

Connolly Youth Movement Speech at the 44th Festival Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the KNE

The delegates of the Connolly Youth Movement stand proudly beside the youth of the international communist movement today in celebrating the 200th birthday of Karl Marx, the founder of our cause, who bequeathed us a will for change that has electrified the thoughts and homes of millions, elevated nations from poverty and replaced misery with … Read more