CYM Host Anti-Militarism School

On Sunday 5 May, the Connolly Youth Movement held an anti-militarism school in Dublin. This forms part of a wider initiative by the CYM to tackle growing militarisation in Ireland; threats of joining NATO, the stealthy growth of an Irish arms industry under the guise of “dual-use”, war-profiteering in the north, the complicity of Irish … Read more

No céad míle fáilte for Canadian warship

On the 12 Feburary, CYM members joined a protest jointly held by the Cork Palestine Solidarity Campaign and Cork Neutrality League at the docking of a Canadian warship in Cork city. The warship has been docked for refueling and resupply since Friday. The protest was held to both protest the Canadian government continued support for … Read more

The Free State on a war footing

As was feared and predicted, the report of the Consultative Forum on International Security Policy has been an excuse for the state to shed the Triple Lock and further erode Irish neutrality. The Triple Lock – itself a compromise that does not preclude Irish involvement in foreign interventions and occupations – is merely a legalistic in nature. And yet even this must … Read more

Ireland’s neutrality must be respected and upheld at all costs

Since the state’s formation, neutrality in international affairs has been a key tenet of foreign policy considerations in the 26 counties. However, it is a tenet that has seen continuous challenges from successive governments, and has been eroded by measures such as the south’s participation in EU Battlegroups, and by its co-operation with the EU’s … Read more