Name & Shame – The Companies Who Fired Their Staff During a Pandemic *UPDATED 13.04*

Ireland is internationally labeled as a corporate tax haven. Apple owes the 26 county state 13bn. These profits have been made by these tax breaks and now it’s the Irish people who again have to pick up the pieces as they fire their workers at the first opportunity.

If Coronavirus Was to Wipe Us Out, We’d Probably Never See It Coming

Complex subjects, particularly those of a scientific or political nature, are most commonly sensationalised. So much so that we end up with a Media Who Cried Wolf situation. When every trending disease around winter time is looking to wipe out humanity, one that actually could, would be impossible to ever believe.

Monopolized prescription drugs and the Irish government: Healthcare’s hidden crisis

FT, Corcaigh When I was growing up in Ireland in the 2000s, the trolley crisis permeated national discourse at multiple levels. The media was saturated with horror stories of patients consigned to languish in crowded hallways in wretched conditions. Consultants were paid extortionate fees for dubious contribution. A two tier system created odious waiting lists … Read more