The last thing we should do

On 4 July, an article was published in Socialist Voice arguing that Irish communists should unconditionally support Sinn Féin with no red lines. It even goes as far as to state explictly that “if they utter a coalition with FF, let that not dissuade us from voting them. If they fail to denounce the EU, … Read more

My friends in Ireland will not forget me

On Sunday, 16 June the Belfast branch of the Connolly Youth Movement organised a commemorative hike to McArt’s Fort, Cavehill, to commemorate the first fathers of Irish Republicanism. The Belfast branch was joined by comrades from Lasair Dhearg as we reflected on the lessons and legacy of the first generation of Irish Republicans. The hike … Read more

Ireland to provide over €12 million to rearm EU militaries

The Irish state will contribute €12 million to a European Union scheme to arm EU countries with missiles, artillery shells, and explosives This money will form part of a €1 billion initiative aimed at “incentivising the defence industry through a one-off grant to encourage faster production” of explosives. The stated rationale behind the move is … Read more

Labour will seek to put private above public in healthcare

With the Conservatives facing what is set to be a disastrous result at the next general election, the Labour Party is positioned to take over government after fourteen years of Tory administration. Despite this, the state of crisis Britain finds itself in will not show significant improvement. Already, before even entering government, Labour under Keir … Read more

CYM Host Anti-Militarism School

On Sunday 5 May, the Connolly Youth Movement held an anti-militarism school in Dublin. This forms part of a wider initiative by the CYM to tackle growing militarisation in Ireland; threats of joining NATO, the stealthy growth of an Irish arms industry under the guise of “dual-use”, war-profiteering in the north, the complicity of Irish … Read more

Vote Left, Transfer Left?

On May Day, People Before Profit released a statement encouraging people to adopt the slogan of “Vote Left, Transfer Left”, as used in the 2020 general election. In 2020 this saw voters transferring between Sinn Féin, the Green Party, People Before Profit, Social Democrats, and independents. However, given that the Green Party subsequently went into … Read more

The View from Inside Free Trinity

You can hear the chanting from the top of Westmoreland St, the activists taking shifts sitting in the windows of the SU offices in House 6, and waving both Palestinian and Irish flags. There is always at least a handful of people watching and joining the chants from the paths below. From the Pearse St … Read more

Baby wipes and ethnic cleansing

An aerial view of Isdud, pre-1935.

Lupilu baby wipes have become the target of a nationwide campaign, as part of the broader BDS movement targetting Israeli goods. As the campaign escalates, it is worth looking back at the history of the land on which they are produced to understand why they are an important target of the BDS movement in Ireland. … Read more

BDS activists win big in West Belfast

Two of the main consumer boycott targets of the international BDS Movement, Sabra Hummus and SodaStream have also been major local targets for Palestine solidarity activists in Belfast. It seems this targeted pressure campaign has begun to pay off, with Sabra and SodaStream products notably missing from their spots on the shelves in the Kennedy … Read more