Contradictions Collapse

The consequences of American political economy have reached their long-awaited climax. The majority of its inhabitants, left abandoned in the face of an anonymous power structure, have succumbed to widespread social inertia. For most this economic freak show and political mayhem are made intentionally incomprehensible, and so, with clarity abandoned, the much-needed questions and answers are left to drift in the forbidden void now classified as political discourse.

Pakistan floods leave one-third of country underwater

Flooding in Pakistan has left one-third of the country underwater, with 1,200 people dead, and thirty million internally displaced. The country’s climate minister has called it a “climate-induced humanitarian disaster of epic proportions”. Since June, massive flooding in Pakistan, 10 times the normal amount according to the European Space Agency (ESA), has exacarbated the already … Read more

Fraternal Greetings to the Colectivos de Jóvenes Comunistas

On Sunday 21 August, our comrades in the Colectivos de Jóvenes Comunistas, concluded their national camp. The camp brought members of the organisation from across Spain to engage in education, debate, and socialising. The CYM sent the following greetings on the occasion of the camp: “A chairde agus chomráidaithe of the Colectivos de Jóvenes Comunistas, … Read more

CYM participates in CENA camp 2022, Madrid

Between 26 and 28 June 2022, members of the Connolly Youth Movement took part in the Committee of Europe and North America (CENA) Camp in Madrid, organised by the World Federation of Democratic Youth (WFDY). There we were joined by many other young communists we enjoy fraternal links with through the organisation. The purpose of … Read more

Congratulations to the Welsh Underground Network

Following their latest national congress, our comrades in the Welsh Underground Network formally adopted Marxism-Leninism as the official ideology of their organisation. As such, the CYM sent the following congratulations to our comrades: “The Connolly Youth Movement would like to extend our fraternal congratulations to the Welsh Underground Network upon the conclusion of your latest … Read more

“On the verge of collapse”: Inadequate DART services put hundreds at risk

NG, Gaillimh Recently, the Irish transport system found itself at the centre of controversy as hundreds were forced to disembark from the DART service between Dublin and Bray due to an unsafe lack of ventilation, and cover the remainder of the journey on foot. On what was one of the busiest days of the year … Read more

An Post Pensioners protest Minister Eamon Ryan’s failure to sign-off on 2% pension increase

Former employees of An Post were out in protest last Wednesday (3 August), to pressure Minister Ryan to sign off on an agreed 2% pension increase. The protest was organised by the Independent Workers Union. Below is a statement given to Forward by the postal workers representative Bernard Clarke: “Pensioners have seen virtually no increase … Read more