Enough About “Totalitarianism”

“Totalitarianism” is a bourgeois dog-whistle, and the philosophical complexity of class struggle is lost on them, as in most political spheres, but it should not be lost amongst us Marxists. Just as communists are vanguards of the revolution, so too must we be vanguards of the logic of revolution, and we must confront liberal propaganda in places where others simply cannot go by virtue of Marxist-Leninist analysis.

Fine Gael Is Not A Normal Party

I can say without reservation that the landlords, employers and bourgeoisie of Ireland would consider our measures “totalitarian”, and would marshal their ill gotten resources to frame public opinion against all measures. The fact of the matter is that these measures, enacted by the working class, would benefit the working class, by reshaping the decision making process over wealth, and directing the wealth to the common interest.

Against the New Cold War

Our job, like striking workers in Chicago 134 years ago, is to see through and resist the propaganda, to organise and build solidarity among the working class. They are terrified of what will happen if these generations are not browbeaten into anti-communism. For many on almost every degree of the political spectrum, the propaganda is working. 

When Sex Workers Win, All Women Win

Communists and other socialists need to rethink how we have historically and, in many cases, continue to regard and treat sex workers. We cannot effectively oppose capitalism or the patriarchy while attacking or punishing sex workers. To fight for sex workers is to fight for all women, all workers, and everyone who is harmed by capitalism.

No Revolution without Song

Working class communities in Dublin like Crumlin and Tallaght were underfunded and neglected from their inception, but the people themselves have now taken the lead in building a better future and like any revolution – music is at the heart of that.