Support Left-Wing Ultra Culture

Ultras groups have been reviled and castigated in the media, but they are part of an unyielding tradition of class solidarity that refuses to reconstruct itself in the face of pressure from neoliberalism.

The Yellow Vests are Selling Out to the Far Right

Recently, a large Yellow Vest protest took to the streets in Dublin. It was focused on getting rid of masks and other protective precautions in place to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Their platforms all vary, but they tap into conspiracy theories peddled by misery merchants on the internet and then fuse them with whatever their own agenda is.

To Protect and Serve?

The callous murder of George Floyd sparked righteous anger across social media in the last few months which has spilled over onto the streets of not only Minneapolis but all across the United States, with scenes of looting and rioting scrolling past our eyes on social media. The murder of George Floyd by Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin once again raises not only questions of the systematic racism of the US state, but also the role of the police in modern society.

Ukraine to Belarus: Who Benefits?

There is no clear path out of what is a highly complex situation. This is not a Disney film and therefore no “good guys” and “bad guys”. Don’t be a gullible idiot for NATO and the EU. Resist all colour revolutions they instigate and let the people of Belarus conduct their own struggles, as a sovereign and independent country.