What Makes a Free Press?

The concept of a free press has always been pushed in capitalist society. Journalists and newspapers, we’re told, act as a force of neutral arbitrators, who bring the truth to the people and offer honest analysis of current affairs. This simplistic definition, however, hides the true nature of the so-called “free” press and, in the name of free speech, affords them freedom from criticism.

The Killing of George Nkencho

The recent shooting of George Nkencho has re-started the debate regarding Black Lives Matter, racism, the role of the Gardaí and all lives/white lives matter. The Connolly Youth Movement has had a few members attend the recent solidarity vigils and many of us have engaged in extensive debate with members of the public. This commentary has been formulated from those discussions.

Name & Shame – The Companies Who Fired Their Staff During a Pandemic *UPDATED 13.04*

Ireland is internationally labeled as a corporate tax haven. Apple owes the 26 county state 13bn. These profits have been made by these tax breaks and now it’s the Irish people who again have to pick up the pieces as they fire their workers at the first opportunity.