How Communists Can Use Elections

The semi-radical phrases with which the middle-class Home Rule Press and politicians so often duped the public (and sometimes themselves) were seen to have no radical feeling behind them. Sham battle-cries of a sham struggle, they were hurriedly put out of sight the moment the war-cries of a real conflict rose upon the air.” – James Connolly

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Why the ‘Left’ Missed the Mark in the 2019 Elections

Left wing parties have essentially fallen down the trap of trying to compete in a field that is orientated around ensuring the hegemony of the large traditional parties. To compete against Fianna Fail, Fine Gael and the Labour Party at a game that they have excelled at for almost a century is a waste of time but also serves to undermine ones own political organisation and struggle for socialism.

What a Capitalist Pill Cannot Fix

We were raised on false promises of white sands and opportunity, leaving us with only ourselves to blame for our failures. Last year in the 26 counties, every day that passed, another person lost the battle with their supposed failures and ended their life. The cultural hegemony that guarantees peace, in exchange for our labour, turns our mind into a warzone when our own realities come to light.

The Importance of The Limerick Soviet Today

‘On Monday, April 14th, there began in limerick city a strike protest against military tyranny, which because of its dramatic suddenness, its completeness, and the proof it offered that workers’ control signifies perfect order – excited worldwide attention.’ – Irish Labour Party and Trade Union Congress, 1919 The Limerick Soviet was self-declared one hundred years … Read more

The Spanish Women That Cooked, Cleaned, & Killed Fascists

The participation of women during the Spanish Civil War much like, women’s involvement here in the period surrounding the 1916 rising and war of independence has in many way been downplayed or outright ignored. These backlashes and rewriting of struggles are depressingly common and generally follow when women or any oppressed group have gained ground … Read more

Native Americans Call For The End of British Occupation in Ireland – Statement

The following is a statement of solidarity from “The Red Nation”, Easter weekend 2019   Greetings relatives and comrades gathered in Ireland this weekend, The Red Nation sends our solidarity and revolutionary salutes to our relatives and comrades in the Irish Liberation Movement(s) as a whole. We join all of you in honoring and remembering … Read more

Why Teenagers Died Fighting Fascism in Spain

During the Spanish civil war (1936-1939), nearly 60,000 men and women of 53 different countries, grouped in the International Brigades, came to Spain in order to help the republican government. Never before in history had such an extraordinary, internationalist and solidarity cause existed. Young people traveled abroad, willing to give their lives to the Spanish … Read more