CYM Commemorates the 109th Anniversary of the Irish Citizen Army

“On 26th November 2022 the Connolly Youth Movement held a commemoration for the 109th anniversary of the Irish Citizen Army. The Irish Citizen Army had made its first debut on the 23rd November 1913 at Fairview Park, and remains a cornerstone of Irish socialist and working-class history, and their vision of an Irish Socialist Republic remains the ambition of the CYM.”

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The consequences of American political economy have reached their long-awaited climax. The majority of its inhabitants, left abandoned in the face of an anonymous power structure, have succumbed to widespread social inertia. For most this economic freak show and political mayhem are made intentionally incomprehensible, and so, with clarity abandoned, the much-needed questions and answers are left to drift in the forbidden void now classified as political discourse.

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