The Student Strike That Changed British Education Forever

On the first of April, 66 of the 72 attending students they began what would be the longest strike ever for the reinstatement of their teachers. The school carried on for the striking children, for a ‘strike school’ was set up by Kitty in front of the school and teaching carried on as usual, with the National Union of Teachers funding her. The ruling-class and the church reacted quickly, fining those parents who didn’t send their children to the official school, and evicting people that helped the striking families out of their houses and off of their glebe land.

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Connolly Youth Movement Congressional Amendments

CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS Amendment to constitutional article on branches 7.1 The Chairperson of the branch is tasked with: Organisation of branch and committee meetings, set the agenda in liaison with the branch secretary and committee, direct and encourage the branch to work towards the fulfillment of the Programme. The Secretary of the branch is tasked with:

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Connolly Youth Movement speech at the Communist Party summer school

The following speech is from the General Secretary of the Connolly Youth Movement at the Communist Party summer school in Benburb Comrades, old and new.   It is and has always been in the interest of every movement in history to reach out to the young people within their communities and politicize them. Our task

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