The Haunted Halls of Parliaments

Some months ago, I was approached by an old friend with a query. A work colleague of his was exploring the option of running in the local elections on a youth mental health platform and was looking for advice on how best to run the campaign. Why this person decided the best way to tackle … Read more

Electioneering for the Apathetic

For their rejection and/or indifference to the repetitive whingeing of career politicians, the youth of Ireland is often subjected to the most unforgiving of criticisms by their various political representatives. While they standing for little else other than re-election, they call the masses time and time again for yet another victory in yet another popularity … Read more

Workers of low pay, Arise!

We must AGITATE, so that workers become angry and aware of their conditions as human beings in a capitalist society. We must EDUCATE, so workers understand the nature of the social relations that exist and how they function. We must ORGANISE, so that we may overcome the systemic inequity bestowed upon the world by the … Read more

A milkshake to the face

In times of economic uncertainty, it is easy to lay blame at the foot of the asylum seeker, the migrant or a member of a vulnerable community and proclaim loudly that IF IT WERE NOT FOR THEM things would be better. But would they?   If we examine Irish history and take a look at … Read more

Look after our own?

LOOK AFTER OUR OWN The cry goes up on social media all the time, it’s like a growl, emanating from an angry child. LOOK AFTER OUR OWN! The island, our island, is bled dry by tax evading multinational corporations. Her soul weeps for the lost children that take their lives or leave our shores. Dignity … Read more

Sinn Féin’s Soft Touch

There appears to be a common theme among ‘leftwing’ parties who enter into mainstream politics; a soft approach which tends to leave its grass roots members disillusioned as the party will continue to pander to an entirely different demographic than the ones it once represented. Blatant ignorance or maybe the refusal to accept a bad … Read more

The Front Line in the Battle for Class Unity in Northern Ireland

Housing has often been the arena in which class consciousness and militant action has been instilled in the hearts and minds of the Irish youth. This struggle is ever present in the North. Segregation of housing in urban centres of Derry and Belfast remains an obstacle to social cohesion and the unity of class action … Read more