The View from Inside Free Trinity

You can hear the chanting from the top of Westmoreland St, the activists taking shifts sitting in the windows of the SU offices in House 6, and waving both Palestinian and Irish flags. There is always at least a handful of people watching and joining the chants from the paths below. From the Pearse St … Read more

Baby wipes and ethnic cleansing

An aerial view of Isdud, pre-1935.

Lupilu baby wipes have become the target of a nationwide campaign, as part of the broader BDS movement targetting Israeli goods. As the campaign escalates, it is worth looking back at the history of the land on which they are produced to understand why they are an important target of the BDS movement in Ireland. … Read more

BDS activists win big in West Belfast

Two of the main consumer boycott targets of the international BDS Movement, Sabra Hummus and SodaStream have also been major local targets for Palestine solidarity activists in Belfast. It seems this targeted pressure campaign has begun to pay off, with Sabra and SodaStream products notably missing from their spots on the shelves in the Kennedy … Read more

Put Pressure On Puma

In the last few weeks O’Neills has stopped stocking Puma products across Ireland and online. This was the result of consistent efforts by activists, including CYM members. Puma – know for its boots and kits – is a company directly complicit in Zionist colonialism in Palestine. Puma is a primary sponsor of the Israel Football … Read more