The View from Inside Free Trinity

You can hear the chanting from the top of Westmoreland St, the activists taking shifts sitting in the windows of the SU offices in House 6, and waving both Palestinian and Irish flags. There is always at least a handful of people watching and joining the chants from the paths below. From the Pearse St … Read more

Put Pressure On Puma

In the last few weeks O’Neills has stopped stocking Puma products across Ireland and online. This was the result of consistent efforts by activists, including CYM members. Puma – know for its boots and kits – is a company directly complicit in Zionist colonialism in Palestine. Puma is a primary sponsor of the Israel Football … Read more

Finland joins NATO, further expanding imperialist bloc

Finland has joined the imperialist bloc NATO. The news came at the end of March, as Turkey voted to ratify Finland’s accession to NATO. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, the Turkish president, initially blocked Finland’s accession to NATO, citing concerns relating to support for supposed terrorist organisations and issues regarding trade relations. The groups in question include … Read more

CYM participates in CENA camp 2022, Madrid

Between 26 and 28 June 2022, members of the Connolly Youth Movement took part in the Committee of Europe and North America (CENA) Camp in Madrid, organised by the World Federation of Democratic Youth (WFDY). There we were joined by many other young communists we enjoy fraternal links with through the organisation. The purpose of … Read more