The View from Inside Free Trinity

You can hear the chanting from the top of Westmoreland St, the activists taking shifts sitting in the windows of the SU offices in House 6, and waving both Palestinian and Irish flags. There is always at least a handful of people watching and joining the chants from the paths below. From the Pearse St … Read more

Baby wipes and ethnic cleansing

An aerial view of Isdud, pre-1935.

Lupilu baby wipes have become the target of a nationwide campaign, as part of the broader BDS movement targetting Israeli goods. As the campaign escalates, it is worth looking back at the history of the land on which they are produced to understand why they are an important target of the BDS movement in Ireland. … Read more

Micheál Martin is deliberately misleading the Irish public on Palestine

This week, Tánaiste Micheál Martin released a public statement clarifying the government’s position on South Africa’s International Court of Justice case against Israel on grounds of genocide.  This comes five days after South Africa presented its case to the ICJ, at the same time as a mass demonstration took place in Dublin, which saw thousands … Read more

Wexford stands with Palestine

On 13 October, the Wexford Cumann of the Connolly Youth Movement organised and attended a solidarity march for Palestine with the Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign at Wexford Bridge. The demonstration was to show support for the unified Palestinian resistance against apartheid and the attempted ethnic cleansing of Palestinians in the Gaza strip. We had a … Read more

Solidarity with those facing state oppression

International solidarity with Palestine is extremely vital as Israel ramps up its retaliation against Palestinian resistance. However, those who express this solidarity are being met with backlash from state forces.  The PSNI are currently carrying out an enquiry into PBP MLA Gerry Carroll after he posted “Victory to the Palestinian Resistance” on Twitter.  In Dublin, … Read more

Palestinians commit to resist Israeli expansion

Recently, leaders of the Palestinian resistance factions – the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), Hamas, and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) – met in Beirut to discuss ways to confront the increasing Zionist aggression against Palestine.  In an interview with Al Mayadeen, Deputy General Secretary of the PFLP said that they “must escalate … Read more

Communist Party of Venezuala members assaulted during workers rights protest

Members of the Communist Party of Venezuala (PCV) were attacked by state agents while engaging in a workers’ rights protest in Caracas last Thursday (21 July). In a statement by the party, they revealed that while marching alongside trade union activists in a Unitary Trade Union Platform-organised demonstration against plans by the National Budget Office … Read more

A Protracted Struggle for Minoritised Languages

OAP, Béal Feirste A language revival has a lot of similarities with a revolutionary movement. Just as a revolutionary movement must have its beginnings in particular communities and be built outwards, minoritised languages need to take root in particular communities first and then expand. Why is this? A language that has no community usage is an … Read more

Ireland’s neutrality must be respected and upheld at all costs

Since the state’s formation, neutrality in international affairs has been a key tenet of foreign policy considerations in the 26 counties. However, it is a tenet that has seen continuous challenges from successive governments, and has been eroded by measures such as the south’s participation in EU Battlegroups, and by its co-operation with the EU’s … Read more