Support the qub 3!

Three student activists from Queen’s University Belfast (QUB) are currently being dragged through the legal system for protesting the presence of Hillary Clinton and representatives from war-profiteers on their university.

On 14/11/24, hundreds of students were peacefully protesting against their University’s connection to Clinton amidst the genocide in Palestine. When students attempted to unveil a Palestine flag on the front lawn of QUB – as had been done previously – they were met with police batons and kicks. The activists were initially charged with “aggravated trespass”, but these have now been dropped in favour of resisting arrest and obstructing officers.

The issue at stake is fundamentally one of students’ rights to protest on their own campuses, and the ongoing criminalisation of those who are standing up to oppression and militarism across the world. If the QUB3 are charged, it will no doubt set a precedent for further repression.

What you can do?
We are calling for all people and organisations to show their support and to write to the Public Prosecution Service to express their opinion. This can show that it is not in the public interest to prosecute these three students, whose only crime was opposing a genocide.

Please direct your letters to: Belfast Chambers, 93 Chichester Street, Belfast, BT1 3JR

Please share this and take the time to express your support for the QUB 3!

See what happened on the day here:

Template letters here:

We will be gathering signatures in the coming weeks and months, if you want to get involved and support us, please get in touch. If your organisation wants to support the campaign, please contact: [email protected]

If you want to spread the word and support the QUB3, print this poster to put up on campus and in your community!